There’s no denying that cats make purr-fect companions! But, they can often leave you wondering what is going on inside their minds. If you’re more used to dogs, then cat behaviors and the way that they communicate can be very confusing, leaving you scratching your head more often than not.
But, it’s these unique things that make us love them so much. Plus, it keeps things entertaining around the house! To help you better understand your elusive feline and the things they do, we have the answers to the most common weird cat behaviors you’ve been looking for.
Why does my kitty do weird things?
Let’s face it – our purry friends can be real weirdos at times. But, most cat parents adore their odd, yet endearing behavior. The unpredictability of weird cat behavior can lighten up any household and keep us entertained for hours, but have you ever wondered why cats do the things they do? If you think your cat’s crazy behavior is totally random – think again.
There are actually some rational explanations behind the quirky stuff they do on a day-to-day basis. Your cat’s weird behavior may be telling you something and it may not be so unusual after all.
Why does my cat bite me?
Figuring out why cats bite can be confusing, as many owners complain that their cats will bite unprovoked and out of nowhere. One moment they can be enjoying a stroke, the next – the teeth are out! It’s important to understand what your cat is trying to communicate.
They often bite during play, because they are expressing their natural hunting instinct. Cat “love bites” can also be unintentional, as part of the cat’s grooming process.
Why does my cat bite me when I pet her?
Cats also bite when they are trying to tell you that they aren’t enjoying the contact that they are currently receiving. If your cat bites you while you’re petting it, it’s not a sign of affection, but rather a signal that the cat it’s done with the interaction.
Why does my cat lick me?
For cats, licking is used as a grooming mechanism, but also to show they care. Even though many cat owners consider this a weird cat behavior, licking you, other cats, or even dogs, your cat is creating a social bond. If a cat sees you as theirs, they may begin to lick you to mark you as part of their territory. Anyway, if your cat licks you, you should feel honored!
Why does my cat lick my face?
It’s not unusual for cats to lick their human parents, so sometimes, the love licks might also end up on your face. If your cat persistently licks your face, it may be because it wants something from you, like food or attention.
Why does my cat lick my hand?
Whether it’s from the salt of your sweat, a body lotion, or a spill on your arm, your kitty may be licking you simply because she enjoys the taste of your skin. Yum!
Why does my cat lick my hair?
A weird cat lick can feel strange enough, but it elevates to a new level when your kitty lands her sandpapery tongue on your hair. Is your feline giving you a hint about your hairstyle or cleanliness? No, it’s just part of the cat’s natural grooming behavior. Some cats may also enjoy the taste of hair products or even the natural oils found in human hair.
Why does my cat stare at me?
Congratulations, your kitty just really loves you! Fixed eye contact and slow blinking is a sign of affection in cats. Cats also use staring as a nonverbal way of communicating. If you find it’s around the time your feline is usually tucking in and it’s staring at you with demanding eyes, it’s likely that it’s just using this weird behavior to convince you to top up the food bowl.
If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night to find your cat staring at you, it just wants to keep an eye on you. They are naturally curious animals that love to keep watch over you and the neighborhood!
Why does my cat knead me?
You’ve probably noticed your cat kneading your belly or blanket. Also known as “making biscuits”, this behaviour is related to their nursing days. Kittens knead their mom’s stomach to stimulate milk production. When fully grown, cats continue this behavior typically when they’re relaxed, happy, and comfortable. Sometimes the surface they knead reminds them of their mother’s belly. Either way, take it as a compliment!
Why does my cat follow me?
Weird cat behaviors can sometimes be creepy. But, don’t worry – cats like to follow their owners as a way to get attention or they simply may be curious and want to keep tabs on what their human parent is doing.
Why does my cat make weird noises?
You have probably heard your cat emit fast and intense teeth chattering- especially when they spot a bird while gazing out of a window. This strange behavior is a mix of predatory excitement and frustration at not being able to get to the prey, which makes them a bit “cuckoo”.
Why do my kitty’s ears twitch?
Cat whose ears rotate with quick, sudden movements is a cat on a mission, ready to execute an “attack”. It’s also normal for their ears to twitch while they sleep (during the REM phase) or while being petted.
Why is my cat scared of my dog?
Cats have good reason to be fearful of dogs since most dogs are bigger and smell like a predator. And, of course, because they instinctively chase fast-moving objects that are smaller than they are, like cats.
Why does my cat drink tap water?
In the great outdoors, it is safer to drink running water, than from a stagnant source, which is why many cats enjoy drinking water directly from the faucet.
Is weird cat behavior related to cat breeds?
Weird cat behavior can vary and your cat’s breed might determine its quirky personality to a certain extent. Different breeds of cats exhibit different typical characteristics. But, in the end, your furball’s “cattitude” is as individual as you are.
Healthy cat behavior
Even though you might find some of the things your kitty does confusing, most of these weird cat behaviors are actually great indicators of good overall health and a happy cat. These are just a few of the weird things cats do to bring love, fun, and comfort into your world! Don’t forget to help your cat stay playful and quirky with a daily dose of ImmunoPet – your cat’s internal bodyguard.

Jack was born and educated in Ireland and U.K. He has a varied education, mostly in engineering projects. Since then he has worked with a number of major companies with interests in various parts of the world. His personal interests include athletics, cross country skiing and especially long distance running. Jack has competed in many running events and some at an international level, including many marathons. He has always had a keen interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. More recently he has specialized in the areas of health and supplements, with a special focus on the immune system.